
RtTECH and our integration partners take a hands-on approach to the implementation of RtDUET.

We recommend the following steps to successfully complete a RtDUET deployment:

  1. Preliminary Design – The preliminary design focuses on collecting all the information required to configure RtDUET. This information is assembled during a remote workshop.
  2. Configuration – Once the workshopfollow up is completed and the configuration document is reviewed with the client a configuration exercise is scheduled.
  3. Commissioning – Once the system is installed and configured the system is commissioned by performing a system acceptance test.
  4. Training – Usually undertaken at the same time the system is commissioned.
  5. Post Implementation Analysis and Support – a key step in the adoption and use of RtDUET this step occurs 3 to 6 months after implementation and is used to further refine the use of RtDUET and maximize the benefit of the solution.

Want to Know More?

Get in touch and let’s discuss how RtDUET can help you reach your operational goals.